Congressional Medal of Honor Society

Gettysburg, 21 September 2013

Congressional Medal of Honour Society: 150th Anniversary Tim was highly honored, posthumously, and awarded the John "Tex" McCrary Award for Journalism. The award is reserved for those persons of the fourth estate who, through their life's work have distinguished themselves by service or unbiased coverage of the United States military.  Previuos recipients of this prestigious award include legendary broadcaster Tom Brokaw (NBC), Mike Wallace (CBS), Alex Quade (CNN), Roger Ailes (Fox) and author Joe Galloway.

The award was accepted by Sebastian Junger and Judith & Alistair Hetherington at the Patriots Award Dinner 21st September. Sebastian and Judith gave acceptance addresses. Alistair and Judith were received as honored guests. Hospitality including reception at President Eisenhower's farm and a visit to the battle site at Gettysburg.