'Images in Conflict' symposium
The Tim Hetherington Trust director Stephen Mayes will be part of a symposium exploring images of conflict at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Hannover University, Germany on the 17th and 18th May, 2017. Mayes will be part of the second panel titled 'Nothing but the truth' and will present a paper “Truth: The First Casualty of War (and Photography)” in which he discusses how digital processes change the representation of factual information and explores the relationship between facts, alternative facts and truth in modern photographic imagery. He will be joined alongside alongside journalist and humans rights watch spokeswomen Emma Daly, art historian Professor Ursula Frohne and photographer Michael Ebert.
Alongside the conference, an accompanying exhibition will open at the GAF Galerie für Fotografie, which will include Tim Hetherington's work alongside a series of other accomplished artists. The exhibition titled 'Images in Conflict' will run from the 18th May till June 18th 2017 and aims to examine the viewpoint of contemporary documentarian's who seek forms of investigation beyond current reporting.
Both the symposium and exhibition are part of a broader programme at the university titled 'Image Matters' which has been created as a platform for discussion about issues in photographic practice, theory and research. The discussions which are to take place will be free and they will be presented either in English or German. An interpreting service will be offered.
More information on the programme can be found HERE